Leading the way in unclaimed property solutions

With 23 years in the industry, MarketSphere is the nation’s leading specialist in unclaimed property compliance and management. We deliver the most comprehensive suite of unclaimed property managed services.

Our expert team offers more than a century of combined audit, corporate, and government expertise. Many of our team members have experience working at the Big Four and as former auditors. We customize an approach that fits your specific needs.

We pride ourselves on the level of customer service you’ll experience. We have some of the best client satisfaction scores and one of the highest client referral ratings in the industry. When you partner with us our subject matter experts will work with you to understand your challenges and create a customized solution. And you can be assured that the same team will be with you throughout the duration of your project.

We have provided consistent, successful unclaimed property and escheatment services for thousands of satisfied customers. Many of them are Fortune 500 and Fortune 100 firms that demand meticulous records and highly secure transactions and expect proactive plans for the future.

What Makes Us Different
Using technology effectively

We know, and stay current on, the ever-changing unclaimed property regulations in all U.S. and Canadian jurisdictions. This knowledge and our work with the states and their third-party auditors, along with state advocates has helped us create compliance, liability analysis, due diligence, owner outreach, owner reunification, asset recovery, technology solutions and more, to keep your company ahead of the states and the auditors, giving you unclaimed property peace of mind. Additionally, we utilize technology tools to enhance file sharing and integration with our clients, as well as, building applications to enhance owner outreach and response options.

Solving problems holistically

Our experts take a holistic approach to unclaimed property compliance. We understand what the states and their auditors are looking for and we work with you, share options, and guide you to the best solution.

We start with an assessment of your current unclaimed property environment to ensure your historical exposure is resolved and your company is well positioned to maintain compliance in the future. We seek to understand your business through the risk assessment process, identify gaps, and update policies and procedures to resolve these gaps. If historical exposure exists, we perform a detailed analysis to quantify this exposure and provide a plan to mitigate your exposure and bring you into compliance. Once in compliance, we ensure that you have the policies and procedures in place to maintain future compliance.

Being thought leaders and community advocates

Others in the industry look to MarketSphere for our strategic thinking and insights into the complex issue of unclaimed property compliance and management. Many of our consultants are frequent contributors to blogs and resource materials that help educate companies and assist them to achieve escheat compliance. Our consultants also are frequent speakers at industry and tradeshows including Unclaimed Property Professionals Organization (UPPO), Association for Financial Professionals (AFP), and subject matter expert contributors to various publications, including Forbes.

At MarketSphere, we have a strong passion for giving back. We are committed to building mutually beneficial relationships not only with our clients but with the civic and charitable organizations in our communities. We are a longtime supporter of the United Way in our local communities.

Contact us today to learn how we can help
Calculating the Financial Impact of Unclaimed Property Compliance
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