Misunderstandings can lead unclaimed property owners to become upset. They’re naturally suspicious the due diligence letter they received could be an attempt to defraud them. They are right to be wary. Some thieves out there do try to steal property owners’ hard-earned money. You might be tempted to mark a particularly ornery owner’s account as unresolved and simply escheat the funds, then let the state deal with them. However, it’s always better to overcome owners’ misconceptions and reunite them with their funds. Besides reducing your escheatment footprint and keeping owners from spreading negative stories or complaining to the media, it is the right thing to do.
What’s the best way to help rightful owners understand your good intentions? Dealing with irate, even aggressive, owners takes patience and strong customer service and conflict resolution skills. This white paper provides easy-to-apply tips and techniques for dealing with suspicious and upset owners, maybe even rebuilding positive rapport with long-lost customers.
If you received a letter or an email, please check out our FAQ section to learn more about next steps.
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